People. Technology. Equilibrium.
It's About
Digital Dignity
and Autonomy
for the future
Dignity - is most important to the human spirit.
It means being valued and respected for what we are, what we believe in and how we choose to live our lives.
Treating other people with dignity means treating them the way we'd like to be treated ourselves and we need to value dignity as a core aspect of on-line cultures of participation.
We know that most of us carry our work with us where ever we go. We are living in an era where we live to work - we use our smart-phones and devices for both work and personal purposes.
Our on-line connection isn't 9-5, it's 24/7.
And with the speed at which tech is moving, our work demands are increasing therefore, we ought to understand the richness of autonomy at its basic level to start prioritising our Mental Health as non-negotiable.
By having the ability to 'govern' - or better - 'control' one's self and having the freedom to do so; means we can make simple modifications to separate our work from our personal time.
Being able to compartmentalise our digital world will improve our work-life balance 10-fold.
Our work will always be on-going; but sacrificing personal time, family time or being absent from your children's mile stones; could be a hard pill to swallow later in life.